Car bomb terrorist attack thwarted

Car bomb terrorist attack thwarted


    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    A car bomb attack has been thwarted by the IDF and the Israel Security Agency, which have been prepared for such an attack in the last few days.

    The Islamic Jihad terrorist network in Tulkarm, directed by the Islamic Jihad headquarters in Syria, is responsible for the attempted terrorist attack. 

    This afternoon IDF forces discovered a commercial vehicle rigged with a large amount of explosives near the village of Arabe in the Jenin area. The vehicle, which was in the final stages of preparation for the attack, was discovered with a long cable protruding from it. The cable was attached to a battery and a video camera, intended for the documentation of the terrorist attack.

    The explosives-laden vehicle was detonated in a controlled manner by Israeli sappers.